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You will find a million excuses not to follow your dreams, but why would you want to?

Take your passion, your dreams and inspire yourself. Our personalised workshops will provide the tools to realise, focus and embed your goals in both a personal and professional setting.  


Vision Board Workshop

Spend some quality time being inspired, motivated and enjoy a creative workshop to draw out your inner dreams and make them a reality! Visualisation and continual life mapping is important to ensure you are focussed on your goals.


Available within your required space or within a board room setting, servicing both the north and south Brisbane and the Gold Coast. A unique idea for a group of friends, hens party or an excuse for an morning or afternoon together whilst expressing your creative flair and a wine (minimum of 6 pax).  


What is a Vision Board? 

[vision board]


  1. a collage of images and words representing a person's wishes or goals, intended to serve as inspiration or motivation.

  2. a vision board can include cut-out pictures from magazines and words that help inspire you to manifest your dreams and get where you want to go in life (think the secret).

  3. vision boards are often associated with the "law of attraction".

  4. blueprint that guides you to achieve your inner desire and goals.


Harveys Angel has a unique capability of facilitating a workshop that will provide the required steps and to lead you through the process to focus on you inner desires and goals. Vision boards are emotionally moving, make an impact and provide steps to move forward and aim higher and achieve more in your life. Create, glue, draw, paste and explore and realise your inner self. You may just surprise yourself! 


3  hour Vision Board Session 
Including all required material .
$ 100 pp
*Cost does not include hiring of room for groups if required, min 6pax

Goal Setting Workshop

Marcia Harvey (our founder) has an absolute passion and drive to help others create a life that makes their souls sing. If you need guidance and feeling lost in life, a goal setting workshop or ongoing one on one session/s are for you. 


People perform better when they are committed to achieving their ascertained goals. Utilising the SMART methodology - the workshop will guide the process and ensure you focus and realise your internal why, whilst realising your purpose, what drives you, what makes you happy and what your desired future goals are (3, 6, 12 months and 3 years). Completing the workshop will be a overview of how to incorporate realistic timelines and the way in which you will breakdown and achieve each goal. 


Why is Goal Setting effective? 

  1. "the goal setting theory was based on the premise that much human action is purposeful, in that it is directed by conscious goals"

  2. goal setting motivates people to persist in activities over time.

  3. goal setting helps you decide what matters to you most and plan the steps to achieve them.

  4. as an individual or team, you will aim for a agreed goal - based on a nominated timeline. 


Goal Setting Workshops are available for our clients individually or within a group setting. The workshop is effective for groups under 15 and great to motivate your staff. 


2 hour Goal Setting Session
 Including a hard copy and digital copy of the Harveys Angel Workbook and Action Register
$ 160 pp
*Cost does not include hiring of room for groups if required, min 6 pax

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